Staufer Open, 2. - 6. January, Schwaebisch Gmuend

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Moderators: Arnold, Jacco

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Staufer Open, 2. - 6. January, Schwaebisch Gmuend

Bericht door daniel »

Andreas Strohmaier - Oderstraße 69, 73529 Schwäbisch Gmünd, Tel. 01520/4754415

Playing venue
Congress-Centrum Stadtgarten, Rektor-Klaus-Straße 9, 73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd, Peter-Parler-Saal.
The Congress-Centrum offers spacious facilities and is air-conditioned.
The underground carpark may be used free of charge.

Tournament Mode
9 rounds Swiss System with FIDE-program SWISS-CHESS.
In the A-Open Baku Acceleration Method will be applied.

A-Open: 40 moves in 100 min. (+30 sec./move) + 20 min. (+30 sec./move) for the rest of the game.
B-Open: 40 moves in 90 Min. (+30 sec./move) + 20 min. (+30 sec./move) for the rest of the game.
Default time: 30 minutes. There may be a different time tolerance for the 1st round.

The maximum number of participants is 540.

Final ranking according to Buchholz Cut-1 (excluding the opponent with the lowest number of points) according to FIDE Regulations.
Both A- and B-Open will be FIDE- and DWZ-rated.

The first 10 boards of the A-Open and the first board of the B-Open will be broadcast online.

Schedule (A- and B-Open)
Date Round Start - Round Start
TH January 2nd 2025 1st round 10 am - 2nd round 5 pm
FR January 3rd 2025 3rd round 9.30 am - 4th round 4 pm
SA January 4th 2025 5th round 9.30 am - 6th round 4 pm
SU January 5th 2025 7th round 9.30 am - 8th round 4 pm
MO January 6th 2025 9th round 9.30 am
Award ceremony: Monday, January 6th 2025, 3.30 pm.

A-Open (for players with DWZ/ELO >= 1800)
1st-10th place: 1.500, 1.000, 750, 400, 300, 250, 225, 200, 175, 150 (in Euro)

Rating-Groups (according to DWZ)
<2151; 2151-2300 (100/75 Euro each)

B-Open (for players with DWZ/ELO < 2000)
1st-6th place: 500, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100 (in Euro)

Rating-Groups (according to DWZ)
<1351; 1351-1500; 1501-1650; 1651-1800; (100/75 Euro each)

First prizes are guaranteed. All other prizes are guaranteed in case of at least 200 participants overall.

Each participant can win only one prize. In case of a tie, the prize money will be determined according to “Hort-System”.

Special Prizes
Best Woman, Best Senior (Women born 1970 or earlier/ Men born 1965 or earlier), Best Junior (born 2006 or later) and Best Student (born 2009 or later):
according to the number of participants.

Team prizes for German clubs* (4 players of one club)
260/ 160/ 100 Euro.

Junior team prizes* (4 junior players born 2006 or later of one club)
120/ 80 Euro.

*For the team prizes players from both A- and B-Open will be considered.

Additional prizes for regional players.
Prize money for foreigners without permanent German residency will be subject to taxation according to the German income tax law (EStG).

Entry fee
A-Open: 80 Euro (adults)/ 60 Euro (juniors born 2006 or later)
B-Open: 70 Euro (adults)/ 50 Euro (juniors born 2006 or later)
in case of registration and bank transfer of the entry fee until December 20th 2024.

Later entries (cash payment at the playing venue (Januar 1st 2025 from 5 pm until 7 pm or January 2nd 2025 until 9 am) or bank transfer after December 20th) will incur an additional fee of 10 Euro (90/70/80/60).

Free entry for GM and IM.

By registering on the tournament homepage and bank transfer of the entry fee until December 20th 2024 or cash payment January 1st or 2nd 2025.

Account for bank transfers:

IBAN: DE76 6136 1722 0074 7870 04
Account holder: SGEM Gmünd 1872 e.V.

Please provide your name and the tournament you wish to participate in (A- or B-Open) in the „reason of transfer“ section.

All participants (even if they have pre-registered) have to hand in their filled-out registration form (will be provided at they playing venue) until January 2025, 9 am.
Alternatively, this is also possible on January 1st 2025 from 5 pm to 7 pm.

The playing venue will open at 8 am on January 2nd 2025.

Chief Arbiter
IA Roland Katz

Information on accommodation in Schwäbisch Gmünd:
iPunkt Schwäbisch Gmünd, phone: 07171/ 603 4250.

Recommended accommodation for participants:
Please contact the hotel directly. Special conditions for participants of the tournament!

Hotel am Remspark, phone: 07171/ 7988200
Hotel Fortuna, phone: 07171/ 1090
City Hotel Pelikan, phone: 07171/ 3590
Ferienwohnungen Wanner, phone: 0176/ 53319631,, Untere Zeiselbergstr. 19, 73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd

The inexpensive rooms at Finanzschule Schwäbisch Gmünd will not be available in 2025.
Berichten: 6470
Lid geworden op: ma apr 07, 2008 10:14
Locatie: Utrecht

Re: Staufer Open, 2. - 6. January, Schwaebisch Gmuend

Bericht door Henk »

Berichten: 3601
Lid geworden op: do sep 07, 2006 15:02
Locatie: Utrecht

Re: Staufer Open, 2. - 6. January, Schwaebisch Gmuend

Bericht door Jacco »

Verrek ze houden er zelfs bij dat hij Herr Doktor Daniel Weise is.
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